Section: New Results

Asymptotic Analysis

Asymptotic analysis of the interior transmission eigenvalues related to coated obstacles

Participants : Nicolas Chaulet, Houssem Haddar.

This work is a collaboration with Fioralba Cakoni from the University of Delaware (USA). The interior transmission eigenvalues play an important role in the area of inverse scattering problems. These eigenvalues can actually be determined by multi-static far field data. Thus, they could be used for non destructive testing. We focused on the case where the obstacle is a perfectly conducting body coated by some thin dielectric material. We derived and justified the asymptotic expansion of the first interior transmission eigenvalue with respect to the thickness of the coating for the TM electromagnetic polarization. This expansion provided interesting qualitative information about the behavior of these eigenvalues and also gave an explicit formula to compute the thickness of the coating.

Effective boundary conditions for thin periodic coatings

Participants : Mathieu Chamaillard, Houssem Haddar.

This topic is the object of a collaboration with Patrick Joly and is a continuation of our earlier work on interface conditions done in the framework of the PhD thesis of Berangère Delourme [18] , [17] . Th goal here is to derive effective conditions that model scattering from thin periodic coatings where the thickness and the periodicity are of the same length but very small compared to the wavelength. The originality of our work, compared to abundant literature is to consider the case of arbitrary geometry (2-D or 3-D) and to consider higher order approximate models. We formally derived third order effective conditions after exhibiting the full asymptotic expansion of the solution in terms of the periodicity length.

Homogenization of thermal radiative transfer models in heterogeneous domains

Participant : Grégoire Allaire.

With my former PhD student, Zakaria Habibi, we studied the homogenization of heat transfer in periodic porous media where the fluid part is made of long thin parallel cylinders, the diameter of which is of the same order than the period. The heat is transported by conduction in the solid part of the domain and by conduction, convection and radiative transfer in the fluid part (the cylinders). A non-local boundary condition models the radiative heat transfer on the cylinder walls. To obtain the homogenized problem we first use a formal two-scale asymptotic expansion method. The resulting effective model is a convection-diffusion equation posed in a homogeneous domain with homogenized coefficients evaluated by solving so-called cell problems where radiative transfer is taken into account. In a second step we rigorously justify the homogenization process by using the notion of two-scale convergence. One feature of this work is that it combines homogenization with a 3D to 2D asymptotic analysis since the radiative transfer in the limit cell problem is purely two-dimensional. Eventually, we provide some 3D numerical results in order to show the convergence and the computational advantages of our homogenization method. We also focused on the contribution of the so-called second order corrector. If the source term is a periodically oscillating function (which is the case in our application to nuclear reactor physics), a strong gradient of the temperature takes place in each periodicity cell, corresponding to a large heat flux between the sources and the perforations. This effect cannot be taken into account by the homogenized model, neither by the first order corrector. We show that this local gradient effect can be reproduced if the second order corrector is added to the reconstructed solution. Z. Habibi received the 2012 Paul Caseau PhD prize in the field "modélisation et simulation numérique", prize created by the Académie des technologies and EDF.

Homogenization of complex flows in porous media

Participant : Grégoire Allaire.

With Robert Brizzi (CMAP), Jean-François Dufrêche (Marcoule and Montpellier), Andro Mikelic (Lyon 1) and Andrey Piatnitski (Narvik) we studied the homogenization (or upscaling) of a system of partial differential equations describing the non-ideal transport of a N-component electrolyte in a dilute Newtonian solvent through a rigid porous medium. Non-ideal effects are taken into account by the mean spherical approximation (MSA) model. We first study the existence of equilibrium solutions in the absence of external forces. When the motion is governed by a small static electric field and a small hydrodynamic force, we generalize O'Brien's argument to deduce a linearized model. We then proceed to the homogenization of these linearized equations and prove that the effective tensor satisfies Onsager properties, namely is symmetric positive definite. We eventually make numerical comparisons with the ideal case.

With my PhD student Harsha Hutridurga we study the convection and diffusion of a solute in a porous medium in the presence of a linear chemical reaction of adsorption/desorption on the pore surfaces. The mathematical model is a system of two coupled convection-diffusion equations, one in the bulk of the saturated fluid flowing in the porous medium, the other on the pore surface, at the interface with the solid part of the porous medium. The coupling takes place through a linear reaction term expressing the exchange of mass between the bulk concentration and the surface concentration. By a method of two-scale asymptotic expansion with drift we obtain the homogenized problem in a moving frame. We rigorously justify our upscaling approach by using the notion of two-scale convergence with drift. Some 2-d numerical tests are performed in order to study the effect of variations of the adsorption rate constant and surface molecular diffusion on the effective dispersion tensor.

With Irina Pankratova (Narvik) and Andrey Piatnitski (Narvik) we consider the homogenization of a non-stationary convection-diffusion equation posed in a bounded domain with periodically oscillating coefficients and homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. Assuming that the convection term is large, we give the asymptotic profile of the solution and determine its rate of decay. In particular, it allows us to characterize the “hot spot”, i.e., the precise asymptotic location of the solution maximum which lies close to the domain boundary and is also the point of concentration. Due to the competition between convection and diffusion, the position of the “hot spot” is not always intuitive as exemplified in some numerical tests.

Multiscale finite elements

Participant : Grégoire Allaire.

With my PhD student Franck Ouaki we introduced a new multiscale finite element method to solve convection-diffusion problems where both velocity and diffusion coefficient exhibit strong variations at a much smaller scale than the domain of resolution. In that case, classical discretization methods, used at the scale of the heterogeneities, turn out to be too costly or useless. Our method aims at solving this kind of problems on coarser grids with respect to the size of the heterogeneities by means of particular basis functions. These basis functions are solutions to cell problems and are designed to reproduce the variations of the solution on an underlying fine grid. Since all cell problems are independent from each other, these problems can be solved in parallel, which makes the method very efficient when used on parallel architectures. The convergence proof of our method is still in progress. But, on the basis of results of periodic homogenization, an a priori error estimate, that represents a first step in the proof, has already been proved. A 2-d numerical implementation in FreeFem++ has also been performed.

A new shell modeling modeling

Participant : Olivier Pantz.

Using a formal asymptotic expansion, we have proved with K. Trabelsi, that non-isotropic thin-structure could behave (when the thickness is small) like a shell combining both membrane and bending effects. It is the first time to our knowledge that such a model is derived. An article on this is currently under review.

A new Liouville type Rigidity Theorem

Participant : Olivier Pantz.

We have recently developed a new Liouville type Rigidity Theorem. Considering a cylindrical shaped solid, we prove that if the local area of the cross sections is preserved together with the length of the fibers, then the deformation is a combination of a planar deformation and a rigid motion. The results currently obtained are limited to regular deformations and we are currently working with B. Merlet to extend them. Nevertheless, we mainly focus on the case where the conditions imposed to the local area of the cross sections and the length of the fibers are only "almost" fulfilled. This will enable us to derive rigorously new non linear shell models combining both membrane and flexural effects that we have obtained using a formal approach. An article on this subject is currently in preparation.


Participant : Olivier Pantz.

With A. Raoult and N. Meunier (Université Paris Descartes), we have compute the asymptotic limit of a square lattice with three-points interactions. Considering such interaction is important in the case of square lattices, because such lattices, if only endowed with two-points closest neighbor interactions, show no resistance to compression, what is quit restrictive. We prove in particular that under some symmetry assumptions on the type of elementary interactions, no micro-relaxation do occur and that the limit can be obtained by a mere quasiconvexication. Without those assumptions, the computation of the limit requires the resolution of a homogenization problem on an infinite number of cells, what is usually out of reach. Our work has been published in M3AS [26] .